DEGREE PROJECT 2021For my degree project, I created a publication accompanied by a website to help myself and other women to better undertand body images and beauty related issues.
The publication largely touches on my own personal experiences to provide a more personal narrative in addition to writings and resources by others.
The publication largely touches on my own personal experiences to provide a more personal narrative in addition to writings and resources by others.
Largely text-based, I have chosen a bright and colorful palette for the cover and interior spreads to keep the information engaging. View the whole book here.
Largely text-based, I have chosen a bright and colorful palette for the cover and interior spreads to keep the information engaging. View the whole book here.
As a publication may be limited in its accessibility and its ability to create a long-term relationshop with its users, I also designed and prototyped a focused website experience to accompany the publication. The website’s goal is to combat negative-thinking in a digestible, paced-out, and less overwhelming way.
As a publication may be limited in its accessibility and its ability to create a long-term relationshop with its users, I also designed and prototyped a focused website experience to accompany the publication. The website’s goal is to combat negative-thinking in a digestible, paced-out, and less overwhelming way.